Thursday, December 18, 2014

Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity

Well, it's nearing the holidays, so it's a good time to treat myself and bore you to death by making countless entries about my all-time favorite heavy metal group. After Friday I'll be taking a 3-week hiatus. Hope you all have a great holiday. Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes.

5:20 mark

P.T. Steele, fresh off the short-lived circus that was Carnivore, has so many lingering ideas and so little attention to guide them that it requires three Brooklyn minstrels to provide counsel and keep beat. Thus, Type O Negative, that which wants death at the moment of birth, blurts a genius, imperfect, unfinished length of metal and hardcore and doom and goth and new wave and prog and surf, as a bold debut, ribcage bared for any and all criticism. You really have to kill yourself to trek through Slow Deep and Hard’s six (dumb one-minute track of silence doesn’t count) outings of Peter’s figurative spoken word, as this is really his band and his record (case in point: that chorus for Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity), and the combination of Kenny, Josh, and Sal seem to have the right notes and beats to hammer the rough iron that is Petrus' aggression. These are long pieces nearing thirteen agonizing minutes, and there’s a lot of key-laden doom and Brooklyn stuffed in them, with few breaks for when Peter just loses his temper and starts screaming/waxing misogyny and suicide. Lots of humor, though…strangely, and it’s so unashamed with being unique that it’s likable, although women hate when you play this sort of thing. Slow has to be the most unlikely progressive record Roadrunner has ever taken chance with, and apparently some people liked it, because we got more of it a year later. Album cover is exactly what you think it is.

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