Thursday, December 4, 2014

Deicide - Satan Spawn, the Caco-Daemon

3:43 mark

The early 90’s response to Reign in Blood, a 30-minutes-or-less delivery of the evilest damned thing ever played by a four-piece ensemble. Legion is no drill, no practice, but a deliberate exhaustion of every retribution to find its way through the seep of a Pandora’s Box. No rhyme to these satanic verses Glen Benton is bellowing, no reasons given to Eric and Brian Hoffman shredding like the end is nigh. But hey, deliberate. What an angry expulsion of noise that amazingly congeals into 8 songs of hyperkinetic death metal, often playing so fast it trips on its own laces (listen to the beginning and end of Satan Spawn, The Caco-Daemon…good grief. Poor drummer can barely keep up with the guitars). A shameless case of the extreme, although it amazes me to this day how vocalist/bassist Benton deplores this…thing the group created, quick to label it as a rushed follow-up to first studio recording. Hell, put them under pressure more often and see how high the inversions can reach the heavens.

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