Monday, April 6, 2015

Estrogenocide - Balls

Riff mark: yep

Baptism by fire…about a decade back I reviewed for a fairly well-known metal site and this was the first album sent to me, attached with an awfully-sad promo citing influences such as Depeche Mode and Napalm Death. If the deceptive, Violator-like rose on that cover discharges fragrance of either band, email me coupons for a fresher set of ears. Better yet, email me anything; I’ll take heavy sedatives delivered to my doorstep, expedited. It’s remarkable that someone remembered this CD and posted it on Youtube (40 hits on this vid so far!), the experience of its uprooting not unlike opening a sarcophagus rank with computer dust inhalants. No guitar, no bass, no acoustic drums. It’s all synth, all C Major, all 3-note songs, all drum machines, all whisper talk of not-so-sweet nothings such as “cunt kicking” and “cutting nipples off”. Porno grind made with bad keyboards and giggles. I’m not even explaining it correctly and I don’t care. Really the bottommost punctuation in the one-dimensional plane of minimalism, proving that anyone can make their own damn music, but most people will like you less for it.

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