Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Acid Bath - Paegan Love Song

Riff mark: oh man just get a load of it all at the beginning

Best of luck finding another band anywhere who can debut two 70-minute (Note: secret track for this one bumps it up roughly 17 minutes) records back-to-back with such poise, perfection, and poetry. Paegan Terrorism Tactics is the exact follow-up you feared would ruin When the Kite String Pops yet didn’t. Admittedly, it’s less-recklessly structured, seeming to know when to hush and lull rather than thrash and seize. Dax, the serpent king, with his skin-bound bible of tongue-twisted murder gospels, gleams in sheen black velvety funeral pipes more than the previous record, crooning cleanly because it is required to disarm you. For all my snake skin, he’s the best front man you’ve never heard. Fingers aren’t pressed too hard to lips for headbangers like opener Paegan Love Song (a lyricist’s wet-dream) and New Corpse, but the honest-to-rot-ness beauts just bloom from ugly like Graveflower, this album’s version of Scream of the Butterfly, a beating, deliberate, scarring box-cutter, six minutes of funeral hurt. New Death Sensation and Dead Girl just leave a few instruments behind at the wake and play whatever is found at the casket to get by, drifting, drowning, and softly waving goodbye to a town and home state that seems to loudly parade one’s passing with brass. Then a car accident (not drugs, not a wife) happened and the band split. So it goes: two forgotten studio relics and a pile of demos and bootlegs. Super-bizarre album painting by Dr. Jack.

Update 4/3: Of all the bands posted on our blog this is the first one whose videos are removed from Youtube due to copyright laws. So, have a bootlegged live rendition instead.

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